Quiet Reflection

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Align yourself naturally with the Universe

Here are a few suggestions. Be One with the Earth Be one with nature as much as you can. Walk in the park, trails with friends, stroll along the beach or try yoga outdoors. Experiment with taking your shoes off while doing yoga outside. Get a feel of the earth beneath your feet. Take time to take deep breathes when you are meditating. Practice Healthier Eating Habits Start your day with a large glass of warm spring water or alkaline water. This will wake up your organs as you prepare for your day. When people say they need caffeine in the morning.

Your body actually needs water. As your first meal of the day. Try eating a piece of fruit. In the winter months, eat a banana or a little vitamin C from an orange. This will naturally help with your digestive track system. Crystals and Sage Some believe adding crystals to will assist with your energy and positive thinking. Some believers actually walk around with crystals in their pocket or wear them as a form of protection. Never the less they are natural minerals from the earth.

Here are minerals that we recommend carrying with you:

  • Obsidian - A great truth-teller

  • Amethyst - For serenity of the mind

  • Labradorite - For connecting the dots

  • Smoky Quartz - For organization and pragmatism

  • Pyrite - For a spark of confidence

  • Carnelian - For feeling grounded

  • Citrine - For welcoming abundance

  • Black Tourmaline. A powerful healer and protector

Movement and Preservation

Yoga is an ancient practice that builds strength and awareness and brings together the mind and body. It includes breathing exercises, meditation and asanas or poses that stretch and flex various muscle groups. These asanas are designed to encourage relaxation and reduce stress.

In terms of the healing process. It helps the person experience symptoms with more centeredness and less distress.

What are the 5 benefits of yoga?

  • Yoga improves strength, balance and flexibility

  • helps with back pain relief

  • can ease arthritis symptoms

  • benefits heart health

  • relaxes you, to help you sleep better

  • Improves lung function

  • Invites inner peace

7 Calming Yoga Poses For Stress Relief

  • Standing forward bend.

  • Cat-Cow Pose.

  • Easy Pose.

  • Head to knee forward bend.

  • Bridge pose.

  • Corpse pose.

  • Childs pose.

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