Everyday Beauty

Beauty View with Derby Chukwudi

Skincare Tips with Derby Chukwudi

One of my goals this year is to be intentional about taking care of my skin, especially my face.

I have good and easy skin to work with - thanks to my parents’ genes. When I think of skincare

maintenance, I remember the famous quote that states “hard work beats talent.” The same thing

applies, having good skin is not enough - there external factors that impact the quality our skin and we need to play our own part.

Five simple skincare tips I try to be consistent with are below

1. Drink lots of water - it helps clear out the pores in your skin

2. Wash your face in the morning and at night. Feel free to use a facial cleanser of your

choice - it makes all the difference

3. Use a different towel to clean your face after washing - it’s worth the additional towel

4. Wash your pillowcase as frequently as possible

5. Wear your sunscreen in both winter and summer seasons - yes, I said this one

There are more tips people use. However,

these simple steps work for me since I have an

occupied schedule. The top-secret here is to be consistent with these routines because that is

the only way you will get the results you seek.

Follow Derby on Instagram @derbychukwudi_

What Makes You Different?

“To me, being different is embracing every aspect of my life recognizing that each aspect is unique, beautiful, and purposeful. The moment I stop trying to do additional things to be different is the very moment I am truly living in my difference.” Derby Chukwudi

HEIGHT Magazine

A cultural experience filled with wellness aspects, fashion, beauty and lifestyle.




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