Times Square View of Volume II, 4/22
Big Daddy Kane cover feature in Times Square
Founded in 2003
Our Mission
Welcome to the World of HEIGHT
That’s how it started nearly 19 years ago with my friend, Navie Hughes. We’re both tall, Navie at 5’11 and me standing at 5’11 and 3/4. Another thing we shared was a love for fashion. Only we were plagued with having limited options to select from. Out of frustration we were joking around and said let’s start our own magazine.
To-You .
The acronym alone is catchy. While the idea was great back in 2003. Never thought this joke amongst friends would land in Times Square.
We found it challenging for several reasons. We stapled ourselves as the bible. Once source for fashion guidance. Yet, we didn’t have many references. So, we switched gears and focused on the “Why not?” Each month we were rehashing the same companies, Victoria’s Secret, Long Tall Sally, Lerner’s now,/NY & Company and The Limited. Reasons being, they offered the most selections when it came to style. For the most part, other larger companies like, JCPenney and Sears had a few selections, but, were extremely matronly for a couple of 20 something’s. After exhausting ourselves, we did notice a few changes coming about. More blogs and taller women like Navie and I began to emerge expressing their disappointment with the fashion industry. Designers made clothing for average in height women. Tall women like myself were presumed to benefit from fashion because of models used to wear them were tall. That was not the case at all. Model or muses have elongated bodies, are used to show of the garments. Everyday tall women are not the primary focus.
After sharing our continuous problems with fashion. Navie decided that she no longer wanted to continue on with the magazine. So, HM came to a halt. I later resumed in a few years later. In 2009, I relaunched the initial idea. But, this time there were a few more stores for taller women and teens to select from. The plight has been a sensational experience. While HEIGHT is now dedicated to all women of all statures. We still pay close attention to the taller ladies. The acronym still resonates with a profound sense of pride. From this little idea, Men of Height was created where we highlight men in philanthropy, entrepreneurs, and innovators. The Women of Height Organization, we assist single mothers in transition. Girls of Height Inc., we mentor tall teens struggling with poor self esteem and help 9-19 year old girls in high risk areas by keeping them focused on positive things. Both are 501(c3) status. Adding, newly launched , the Beauty View zine. A digital and publication filled with all things beauty. HEIGHT has become it’s own little universal world. The first BGM Beauty & Business Festival and pop up shop event, HM Productions and a few more things that I can’t reveal now. Using the term this generation has coined….”Wait for it”. EIC Rae Ashe