The Real Jenius

Wil Sylvince: Comedian, Writer and Producer

Creator and President of the: NBC Universal Short Film Festival

While he may title himself as a comedian. Wil Sylvince has far more credits to what meets the eye. The proud Haitian born native has created his own foundation within the film and television industries. If you look closely at the opening and ending credits of some of your favorite shows like, My Wife and Kids or The Wayans Brothers? You’ll understand why he’s noted as a Hollywood staple. Sylvince hasn’t just taken his talents and opportunities to the next level. He has carved out a lane for other aspiring creatives. The NBC Universal Short Film Festival provides platforms and a voice for independent film makers. Read more about Wil’s story.

HM: Wil, we know that you're a professional comedian. Has there ever been a time where you've wanted to venture out into another career?

WS: The only other career I’ve wanted to venture into- is still comedy related which is movies and television. But, before I started doing stand up, I used to work at International Robotics. Where I used to build & fix robots for this company. I studied Electro-Mechanical Engineering in college. I love technology. I still have a foot it - I have a few apps and inventions that I plan on putting out someday (soon).  

HM: How were you as a child?

WS: I was very shy to strangers but amongst my friends I was a practical joker.

HM: Did you know you wanted to be on stage and making people laugh?

WS: I can remember as far back as the 3rd grade I wanted to be funny but my strict upbringing but a damper in those plans.

HM: At what age did you decide to go for your dreams?

WS: My dreams at first was electronics, so my brother and I use to make all kinds of gadgets at home. So I started going for my dreams about 8 or 9 years old.

HM: What was the first thing you purchased when you got to Hollywood...And do you still have it?

WS: Um. . . I’m not in Hollywood. I still live in NYC.

HM: What are some of the projects that you've worked on or have been apart of that many people may not be aware of?

WS: Some projects I worked on: I wrote sketches on Fugees album - ‘The Score’.. Wyclef Jean’s album ‘The Carnival’. I also shot the trailer for a film, along with my writing partner, Bryan Kennedy called, ‘I still Have a Soul’ for HBO. It’s also on YouTube now.

HM: Is there any one project, show that you miss doing?

WS: I miss working [as a write] on Damon Wayans’ show called, ‘The Underground’ that was on the Showtime Network.

HM: You created a wonderful festival for aspiring filmmakers, 'Short' Film Festival with NBCUniversal.

WS: Which by the way is an incredible opportunity.

HM: What made or inspired you to create this very important and necessary platform?

WS: People of color need a voice or more voices so more of us can get work in front of or behind the camera. That’s the number one reason.

HM: Have you been inspired by any of the talent that has come through your festival?

WS: I’m inspired by almost 100% of all the films that are in my film festival. Every film has something to offer me - whether or be for my career and or life.

HM: What is your goal for NBC Universal Short Film Festival?

WS: I would like Shorts to be a week long festival, produce full feature films, television shows, and be even bigger on a global scale.

HM: What advice would you like to share with aspiring filmmakers?

WS: Make sure you put a good team together that’s not just talented but, also as hungry as you are. Unlike stand-up comedy, filmmaking is a team effort and not a one man army ala “Rambo”.

HM: Has anyone in the entertainment industry ever given you advice that you still use today? If so, what was it?

WS: Spinderella once told me to “always appreciate your fans. They are the ones who’s allowing you to follow your dreams instead of a 9-5.” Damon Wayans once told me “an unopened mouth is a unfed mouth.” Patrice O'Neal told me, “if 100% of the people love you then you’re doing something wrong and not being true to yourself.”

HM: What is your legacy? When it's all said and done. How would you like to be remembered?

WS: I actually don’t know how to answer this one. I don’t have an answer. Maybe “a dude who always tried to pay his bills on time.”

HM: It's late, you're starving. What are you grabbing to eat?

WS: Almonds, a glass of water or green tea, or maybe a protein bar. +

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