Dear Future Husband…Hi

If you journal daily and you happen to be in search of a spouse? You may want to invest in founder and creator of Dear future Husband, Hi. Shana speaks candidly with HEIGHT Magazine on the second season of HM Exclusive Interview. Watch the full interview now on HEIGHT Magazine TV/YouTube in June. Purchase Volume II to read Shana’s story.

Q: What experience do you hope the consumers will get from your journal, 'Dear Future Husband, Hi‘ experience?

A: I hope consumers will get from Dear Future Husband, Hi is to not give up on love. Dear Future Husband, Hi also strikes great conversation.

Q: How important do you believe the journal is to one's life?

A: I believe the journal is important because it’s therapeutic.

Q: What advice would you give to someone who may be skeptical about purchasing the journal or it's results?

A: The advice I would give to a customer skeptical about the journal and it’s results is, I can’t promise anyone  if they buy the Dear Future Husband, Hi journal that they will find their husband. I do know that it was therapeutic for me. Writing letters to my future spouse brought me out of a dark place.

I started having fun again, and I wasn’t talking about a dark place anymore. It showed me when I think of my future husband. Maybe, it will show the consumer themselves and their wants and desires for their Future Husband. HM

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