Ashley Rios talks, Wonder Years reboot and more

HM: Thank you Ashley for chatting with us today. First, I have to say. You are gorgeous! And it's a natural beauty. What is your daily regime? 

AR: Aww, thank you so much! You’re gorgeous as well!  My daily regime consist of a lot of laughter and gratitude. I think it’s most important but in addition to that I moisturize lol. 

HM: I see you play a variety of amazing characters. Which role has been your favorite to play? And Why? 

AR: I love all of my characters but, I would have to say Dorothy Payton from The Wonder Years. I love “period” pieces and this is set in the late 1960’s. Her poise, class and style reminds me of my grandmothers. She had so much personality and it was a joy bringing her to life. 

HM: Ashley, growing up. The Wonder Years was one of my favorite shows. To see it come back to new life and with such a fabulous twist is amazing. How do you feel about many people saying ,  "No" to reboots? 

AR: I understand people’s hesitation to reboots and not wanting to see classics “messed up” but I think The Wonders Years is a great example of the magic that can be created when it’s done with care and respect. 

HM: What has been your most challenging role to date? 

AR: Probably GiGi from Sinners Wanted. She was so complex and battled with addiction. It was very important to me that she was humanized and seen beyond her “flaws.” I wanted the audience to be able to see some parts of themselves in her which would in turn allow them to have more grace, understanding and less judgment towards others. 

HM: When it comes to balancing it all. How do you prioritize work and your personal life? 

AR: My family is the most important thing in my life. When I’m home, I’m just me, a wife and mom. I’m screaming and clapping at soccer games, doing makeup for school dances and ironing work shirts lol. When I’m at home with my family I give them 100%. When I’m on set working I give the production 100%. That’s the balance. 

HM: In Hollywood and the entertainment industry as a whole. Women of color are often faced with being compared to one another. More so than our counterpart. Under this scrutiny, we're fifty times more likely to be pitted against one another. What are your thoughts on that? What needs to change in your opinion? 

AR: We can’t control people intentionally trying to create discourse but, we can control how we treat one another. The love and support that I receive and give to fellow actresses is beautiful. We genuinely root for one another. I see the same thing with the icons that have come before me Taraji P. Henson, Sanai Lathan, Regina Hall, Regina King, Viola Davis, Halle Berry, Angela Basset, Tasha Smith the list goes on and on. The truth is everyday I see black women loving, supporting and encouraging each other. They can try to pit us against each other but, I think as long as we keep showing up and showing out for one another that narrative will be debunked. 

HM: Growing up, who inspired you the most artistically and why? 

AR: Hands down WHOOPI GOLDBERG!!! The GOAT! She is the reason I wanted to become an actress. As a child I was completely enamored and blown away by her talent and versatility. Her portrayal of Celie in The Color Purple changed my life. Seeing Whoopi Goldberg’s performances introduced me to the possibility of my dreams becoming reality. If I never get an opportunity to tell her in person (I REALLY hope I do)…I would like to say it here and now, to the incomparable Whoopi Goldberg, THANK YOU!!!

HM: Ashley, your fashion statements are amazing. How would you define your personal style? 

AR: Thank you! I’m not really sure how I would define my personal style. I’m most comfortable in boho chic but when it comes to events I leave that up to the professionals. I have to give all the credit to my amazing stylist, fashion designer Beeombi

HM: Switching gears a bit. Social media has really propelled and derailed many things in the last ten years. Your character Dorothy Payton, has her own rhythm. What, if any, elements do you wish still existed today that was culturally accepted back in the day? 

AR: A standard of excellence. Pride, work ethic, hard work, dedication and respect for the craft and the process. Appreciation of talent over followers and an understanding that what we do is a serious art form that requires discipline, training and studying. 

HM: How important is having a strong support system? 

AR: It is everything! Without my village none of this would be possible. I am able to pursue my dreams because they too believe in me. The support started way back with my parents and is now continuing with my amazing husband. He goes above and beyond to support my dream. To everyone that has ever supported me, prayed for me, helped me with an audition, let me sleep on their couch etc. I couldn’t do it with out you!

HM: Ashley, what encouraging words would you give to someone about to give up on their goals and dreams? 

AR: DON’T!!! It might not be easy but it will definitely be worth it! Don’t get discouraged because no one else “gets it.” That feeling in the pit of your stomach is passion and purpose. Let it motivate and guide you. I’m living proof that dreams come true. ++

HEIGHT Magazine

A cultural experience filled with wellness aspects, fashion, beauty and lifestyle.

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