Amina Buddafly Pankey Talks

Photography by Amina Toure -Hair, Make Up and Styling by Amina Pankey

HM: Thank you Amina for speaking with me today.

I'm so excited for you and on you wonderful book. Congratulations! What inspired you to write MI Dishes & More

AP: What inspired me the most to write this book was my fans and followers on social media, which is mainly women who are motivated by my posts! First it was all about the food when I started my Instagram page @midishes. But it became way more than just recipes as I decided to include all of the other elements that make up my lifestyle! I would get tons of questions about my fitness regimen and how I stay positive being a single mom. I just wanted to put them all into a piece of work so that someone can read through it and hopefully get inspired. That’s what I’m all about. Inspiring people.

HM: Growing up what were some of your favorite dishes?

AP: Definitely anything my mom would make! I used about 4 of my mom’s dishes in the book! One is the Leek pie! Which I used to get so excited about and my mom, to this day, makes it specifically for me. Then we have some other yummy dishes like the apple and oatmeal. In Germany we call it,“apfelmuesli” and it is eaten for breakfast! Super healthy, filling and yummy. My kids LOVE it!

HM: Are any of these dishes featured in your book?

AP: Yes both of these dishes are in the book amongst 28 others!

HM: Food can be the biggest bonding palate (pun intended) amongst family and friends. How much influence, if any was implemented in your book?

AP: I definitely feel like almost all of it comes from my family and especially me growing up in Europe I grew up eating differently than most in America. So people are always surprised when I give my kids raw veggies for example. But to me that used to be a normal snack growing up. My family, especially my mom, plays a big part in how I chose to eat every day.

HM: Self-care is really important. What are some of your balancing strategies used, being a mother of two adorable girls?

AP: They are all in my book! So whenever I get asked that questions I encourage people to get the book so they can know all of my strategies! But one thing I always say, because I do get this question a lot, is to take your time when it comes to your career.  

I am someone who is super impatient especially when I work on a project, I always want everything down Now. But with kids it just takes longer! When I have an idea for a song I can’t just go record it. I can’t be in the studio every night, so I do things when I can! And I had to accept that everything is at slower paste. But as long as you don’t stop you keep moving forward no matter the speed!

HM: The cover to your cook book is absolutely the cutest and most creative. Given their ages, how important is it to have Cori and Bronx involved in your projects?

AP: I love having my kids involved in what I do. It’s become who I am. Anyone close to me knows I don’t come by myself anymore. Even when it comes to dating. Whoever is dating me they are also dating my kids and have to be cool with that. As far as work goes, o try to include them where I can. It started because I didn’t have childcare. So I would have to bring them with me to events, sessions, meetings, photoshoots... my kids got used to being at work w mommy. And they actually love it. It’s hard, but I make it work because I don’t wanna neglect my art and my career. If you want something you can always find a way.

HM: Being a business woman and entrepreneur has many challenges. What advice would you give other women whom are striving to attain success such as yourself?

AP: I would say find out what you’re good at and get better. Everyday! People always ask what I like to do for fun. I like to be productive and create. I’m an artist! I play instruments and I sing and write, however I always strive to be better than yesterday. My advice would be, become the best version of yourself by working on your craft daily! And also: share! Don’t wait til’ you’re perfect because you May never be!

HM: What are some of your favorite recipes in MI Dishes & More?

AP: My fav recipe would probably my basic salad and salad dressing and then also the turkey chili! I make both of these a lot at home!

HM: Many people are living fast pace lives. Do you have any quick and healthy dish options for them?

AP: I do. A lot of things in my book are super simple and don’t take a lot of time! Because I don’t like to be in the kitchen for hours myself. There’s a vegan stir fry which is made with almond butter (via my older sister Sophie) it’s so yummy and fast. Then I also have some snacks like the banana strawberry peanut bites. No cooking required! 


HM: Being an accomplished singer and song writer. You're showing that there are no limits in living out your dreams. What other goals do you have set for yourself?

always be the number one thing. My way of expression! So I’ll never stop doing that. 

HM: What would you like for readers to take away from your book?

AP: I would love for someone to not just read the book, but also follow my guidelines and do the 30 day challenge! I would love to see if it has a positive impact on their wellbeing which is my goal. I mean it works for me so I’m thinking it can work for others. The main thing is positivity! You are guaranteed to feel inspired and motivated.

HM: Will there be a follow up book coming?

AP: I have not thought about this yet. But who knows.

HM: I would like to say that you are such an inspiration to many women, including myself. When it's all said and done what would you like for your legacy to read?

AP: I would live for people to recognize all of my work but mainly my music! Me the artist. The creator. At the end of the day it is who I am. If you never met me or saw me but drifted into all of my music that is out and really listened, you would know who I am. And I just would live for more people to recognize that and remember me for all that I have created. 

HEIGHT Magazine

A cultural experience filled with wellness aspects, fashion, beauty and lifestyle.

