Editor’s Beauty Pick of the Week


All of my life, I’ve wanted long thick eyelashes. And with a beautifully designed natural curl. Not asking for a lot right? Genetically, that has never happened. I’ve tried may eyelash enhancers which promised to promote growth. Some are priced as much as $200 dollars. Yes, that’s a lot of money. Not to mention I witnessed little to no results. For a little over a month, I’ve been using SCOROLASH EYELASH VOLUMIZING GROWTH SERUM $39. I came across the profile on my Instagram feed countless times. I actually scrolled through the comments, researched the product and read the reviews. My main concern, “what were the ingredients?” Here is the company’s official statement: “Our formula is specifically designed to be gentle and safe for everyone, including cancer-patients! We believe in results without compromise - so that means no hormones and no prostaglandin. Our formulas are filled with natural ingredients, vitamins, and nutrients to help you grow your dream lashes and brows with guaranteed results. If used consistently, you will see incredible results in as little as 4 weeks.”

After cleansing, moisturizing. I gently applied the serum to my upper and lower eyelids. Allowing them to dry completely before applying a little extra.

If you’re not familiar with the ingredient, it’s a hormone that can be harmful.

What are Prostaglandins?

Prostaglandins are a group of lipids with hormone-like actions that your body makes primarily at sites of tissue damage or infection. There are several different types of prostaglandins, and they play several essential roles in regulating bodily processes, including:

  • Blood clot formation at the site of an injury.

  • Blood flow.

  • Healing.

  • Inflammation.

  • Labor induction in pregnancy.

  • Menstruation.

  • Ovulation.

Prostaglandins have a role in the natural physiology of your body in addition to their role in defense and repair. For example, prostaglandins are responsible for uterine contractions during menstruation. These contractions help release the uterine lining (endometrium) from your uterus, thus producing a period.

Healthcare providers also use synthetic forms of certain prostaglandins to treat various conditions, including glaucoma and erectile dysfunction. They also use medications to block certain prostaglandin receptors to help treat certain conditions.

I’m very impressed with the results so far. I was given three bottles to sample and I understand why. For any product that’s being used for testing. It’s wise to stay married to it for at least 30 to 60 days. Take in the consideration of genetics, allergies and other factors. I read several reviews where some consumers saw results after just a week of use. Because I’ve always had sparse and smaller length lashes and brows. I did not see any results. Here’s the thing. I attend many events. But, I rarely get dolled up for the majority of them. I cheat a lot! I’ll use a tinted moisturizer and a multi stick, them call it a day. And lately I haven’t used any mascara with these looks. Because of my thin lashes. I’ve come to realize, I can only see their maximized lengths when mascara is used. I’ve also applied the serum to my eyebrows noticing a little growth there as well. I have experienced any darkness or discoloration of my eyelids. Which is something I have noticed when using other eyelash serums. I’ve also had the un-pleasure of horrible irritation and red eyes while using another. Not the case with Scorolash. I would definitely recommend to anyone in search of a eyelash and brow growth serum to try them. Results vary. Please keep that in mind before. I’ve also been very impatient when trying out a new product. Share your experience with me once you’ve used it!

The left eye has two coats of mascara applied while the right eye is bare with only the use of Scorolash.

HEIGHT Magazine

A cultural experience filled with wellness aspects, fashion, beauty and lifestyle.


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Phillip Lim