All new season: HEIGHT Magazine’s The Daily Dose Podcast

Get your dose ! HEIGHT Magazine’s The Daily Dose is returning with a line up of special guest appearances hot topics and special announcements.

Hosting will be Editor in Chief, Rae Ashe for the third year. While she’ll be heading the show, a co-host will be join her in selected episodes.

“The Dose” was inspired by small talk- I chat with my mother (Rebecca Ashe) everyday. She gives me small tidbits of universal current events and her opinion on all of them! The conversations may be brief, but the enlightenment is always enough to get you thinking and staying on top of what’s important or happening locally and around the world.

Listen to episode #9 with entrepreneur, Shanley Simpson creator of ”You Go Girl” greeting cards.

HEIGHT Magazine

A cultural experience filled with wellness aspects, fashion, beauty and lifestyle.

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